{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %} Home{% endblock title %} {% block body %}

Top Cities

{% if topcities|length > 0 %} {% endif %}

Latest Properties

{% if getlist|length == 0 %}

No Record Found!

{% else %} {% for list in getlist %}

{% if list.bhk == None: %} {{ list.requiretype }} {% else :%} {{ list.bhk }} {% endif %} {{list.proptype}} for {{ list.listtype}}

{% if list.district: %} {{ list.district+","}} {% endif %} {% if list.city is not none: %} {{ list.city+","}} {% endif %} {% if list.locality is not none: %} {{ list.locality}} {% endif %}

{% if list.listtype == 'Sell' and list.proptype == 'Plot' : %}

₹ {% if list.amount_text == '': %} {{ list.price }} Price {% else :%} {{ list.amount_text}} {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if list.listtype == 'Sell' and list.proptype != 'Plot' : %}

₹ {% if list.amount_text == '': %} {{ list.cost }} Price {% else :%} {{ list.amount_text}} {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if list.listtype == 'Rent': %}

₹ {% if list.amount_text == '': %} {{ list.monthly_rent }} Monthly Rent {% else :%} {{ list.monthly_rent}} {% endif %}

{% endif %}
  • Enquire Now
  • {% if list.built_area: %} {{list.built_area+"sqft"}} {%endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}

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{% if blogs|length > 0 %}

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{% for blog in blogs %} {% endfor %}
{% endif%} {% endblock body %}